A library for writing and reading comments from the Swarm network.
To install the library, use npm or yarn:
npm i @solarpunkltd/comment-system
To write a comment to the Swarm network, use the writeComment or writeCommentToIndex functions:
import { writeComment, writeCommentToIndex } from "@solarpunkltd/comment-system";
const comment = {
message: {
text: "This is a comment",
messageId: "unique-message-id",
timestamp: Date.now(),
username: "user123",
const options = {
stamp: "your-stamp-id",
signer: "your-private-key",
beeApiUrl: "https://your-bee-node-url",
approvedFeedAddress: "your-feed-address",
writeComment(comment, options)
.then(result => {
console.log("Comment written:", result);
.catch(error => {
console.error("Error writing comment:", error);
const index = 123;
writeCommentToIndex(comment, index, options)
.then(result => {
console.log(`Comment written to index ${index}:`, result);
.catch(error => {
console.error(`Error writing comment to index ${index}`, error);
Function writeComment writes a comment to the next feed index. It needs to look up the latest feed index before writing.
Function writeCommentToIndex writes a comment to the desired specific index.
To read comments from the Swarm network, use the readComments, readCommentsInRange or readSingleComment functions:
import { readComments, readCommentsInRange, readSingleComment } from "swarm-comment-system";
const options = {
identifier: "your-identifier",
beeApiUrl: "https://your-bee-node-url",
approvedFeedAddress: "your-feed-address",
.then(comments => {
console.log("Comments read:", comments);
.catch(error => {
console.error("Error reading comments:", error);
const start = 0;
const end = 10;
.then(comments => {
console.log(`Comments read from range ${start} to ${end}:`, comments);
.catch(error => {
console.error(`Error reading comments from range ${start} to ${end}:`, error);
const index = 3;
readSingleComment(index, options)
.then(comments => {
console.log(`Comment read at index ${index}:`, comments);
.catch(error => {
console.error(`Error reading comment at index ${index}:`, error);
Function readComments reads comments from index 0 until the latest found index, in succession.
Function readCommentsInRange reads comments from the desired index range, parlelly.
Function readSingleComment reads one single comment at the given index, if not provided it looks up and reads the latest comment.
Writing to a feed index that is already taken does not result in an error, therefore reading back the comment at the expected index is necessary as a verification of success.
Example react-app
See https://github.com/Solar-Punk-Ltd/comment-system-ui
This README provides an overview of the swarm comment-system library, including installation instructions, usage examples, and descriptions of the main functions and types. Adjust the content as needed to fit your specific library details.